PhD Programme

Physics Research Image 1
Exploring the Depths of Physics


The following general information are directed for future Ph.D. scholars of the Department of Physics, IIT Delhi.

Key Research Areas

The Physics Department is engaged in research of almost all major areas of Physics . The Department is continuously expanding with the hiring of new faculties with new research expertise. Some of the broad research topics are mentioned below. Interested students are requested to go through individual faculty's website to learn more about the actual research carried out at Dept. of Physics, IIT Delhi.

Departmental Research Facilities

All faculties in the Department have their relevant research facilties in the individual research group which are directly accessible to their students. Please check individual faculty's website for several other state of the art facilities which are existing in the various research groups of the Department. Additionally, the Department has several common experimental facilities which are open to all students. These are:

National and International collaborations

The Department's faculties have active collaborations with various research groups at the national and international level. The collaborations provide an opportunity to expose the Ph.D. scholars to different research environments through regular meetings, visit to each other lab or research group, which is important for the growth of the future researchers.

Industrial Collaborations: The Department has several collaborations with industry such as..

Special research grants for Ph.D. scholars

Financial support

Financial support to the PhD scholars for attending Conference: A provision for taking advance for travel and registration is there.

Leave entitlement to the PhD students

Maximum of 30 days leave within an academic calendar are available to each PhD scholar

Teaching Assistantship

Compulsory Teaching Assistantship (TA) duties for PhD Scholars: Each Ph.D. scholar has to mandatorily perform TA duties during the time they receive fellowship at IIT Delhi. The TA duties allow the scholars to interact with students at various level (UG/PG) thereby preparing themselves for future teaching/research profession.