Head of the Department
Head of Department
011 2659 1331
Sujeet Chaudhary is a Professor of Physics at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, since April 2011. He received his Ph.D., MTech. and MSc degrees from IIT Delhi. Prior to joining IIT Delhi in May 2002, he worked as Scientific Officer-C and Scientific Officer-D at the then Centre for Advanced Technology (CAT) Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, where he extensively worked on investigating the metastabilities, through magnetotransport and DC magnetization techniques, that are associated with the first order phase transitions in several magnetic as well as superconducting material systems. Currently, he has research interests in developing high spin polarization magnetic nanostructured systems for Spintronic applications. These include fabrication of ferromagnetic/non-magnetic multilayers which can stabilize complex magnetic configuration e.g., Skyrmions, topological Hall Effect, and possess high Spin Polarization and Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy, Exchange bias effect, and hold great promises in the Generation and Manipulation of Spin Current and Spin Pumping, which finds application in the field of Spintronics. He is recipient of MRSI-Medal -2007 Award. He has contributed in over 200 international journal publications. About 25 PhD students have graduated under his guidance. Presently, he is Head of the Department of Physics at IIT Delhi.